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Accueil Rubriques Livres - BD - Revues Loisirs - Vie Pratique Sculpture / Jim Hunolt / Coast publishing 2006 ( )

Sculpture / Jim Hunolt / Coast publishing 2006 ( )

Photo 1
Sculpture / Jim Hunolt / Coast publishing 2006 (*)

Jim Hunolt: Shapes of the Human Spirit Not much needs saying about James Hunolt. As a sculptor who also writes, his sculpture and words speak for themselves most eloquently. I can only contribute some modest insights about the man, his vision and his art. Jim is a quiet person with a quick wit whose conversations are as encouraging as his sculptures are nourishing. His vision is simple, yet profound: life is sacred and man evolves by exploring the depths of the human spirit in search of love, peace and understanding. His sculptures explore and portray the depths of our Human Condition from love to despair, from sensual to spiritual, from birth to death. His subject is man and woman, alone and together, warriors and lovers. He is a simple man with keen senses whose sculptural forms are classic and timeless. He reduces the complex human anatomy to pure form, the curvilinear surfaces of which flow into a continuum of graceful shapes and shadows. But, most of all, Jim Hunolt's sculptures convey the beauty of the human form, an unwavering hope for all mankind, and an everlasting faith in the human spirit. His art makes the heart leap and the spirit soar.

96 pages

28cm x 28cm

Prix à l'emporter: 18frs

Prix à l'expédier: 25frs

Prix: 18.- CHF
Numéro de référence:6583816
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