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Accueil Rubriques Livres - BD - Revues Services professionnels Requirements Engineering (Basiswissen)

Requirements Engineering (Basiswissen)

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Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Foundation Level
Excellent état. Comport des surlignages su stabilo.
Langue: allemand. Cédé pour seulement 8 CHF !!

Accompagné d'un petit livret qui résume tout l'ouvrage (voir photo)

176 pages
International Requirements Engineering Board
Auteurs: Klaus Pohl et Chris Rupp

Requirements engineering is the process of eliciting individual stakeholder requirements and needs and developing them into detailed, agreed requirements documented and specified in such a way that they can serve as the basis for all other system development activities. In this textbook, Klaus Pohl provides a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to the fundamentals, principles, and techniques of requirements engineering. He presents approved techniques for eliciting, negotiating and documenting as well as validating, and managing requirements for software-intensive systems. The various aspects of the process and the techniques are illustrated using numerous examples based on his extensive teaching experience and his work in industrial collaborations. His presentation aims at professionals, students, and lecturers in systems and software engineering or business applications development. Professionals such as project managers, software architects, systems analysts, and software engineers will benefit in their daily work from the didactically well-presented combination of validated procedures and industrial experience. Students and lecturers will appreciate the comprehensive description of sound fundamentals, principles, and techniques, which is completed by a huge commented list of references for further reading. Lecturers will find additional teaching material on the book's website,

Prix: 8.- CHF
Numéro de référence:2256913
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Membre depuis:17.01.2010
Ville:1700 Fribourg (FR)
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