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Automata and computability

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Très utile pour tout ingénieur ou étudiant EPFL et école d'ingénieurs en informatique.
Etat neuf ! Acheté pour 94.50 CHF, cédé pour seulement 60 CHF !!

Utilisé pendant le cours d'automates et calculabilité du prof. Uwe Nestmann à l'EPFL.

Auteur: Dexter C. Kozen
Editions Springer
400 pages
Langue: Anglais

This textbook provides undergraduate students with an introduction to the basic theoretical models of computability, and develops some of the model's rich and varied structure. The first part of the book is devoted to finite automata and their properties. Pushdown automata provide a broader class of models and enable the analysis of context-free languages. In the remaining chapters, Turing machines are introduced and the book culminates in analyses of effective computability, decidability, and Gödel's incompleteness theorems. Students who already have some experience with elementary discrete mathematics will find this a well-paced first course, and a number of supplementary chapters introduce more advanced concepts.

Prix: 60.- CHF
Numéro de référence:2245797
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