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Accueil Rubriques Livres - BD - Revues Romans - Littérature I heard the owl call my name

I heard the owl call my name

Photo 1
I heard the owl call my name
Auteur : Margaret Craven

Langue : anglais
160 pages

Bon état (notes au crayon à l'intérieur car livre utilisé au gymnase)

Résumé :

A place of salmon runs, ancient totems, and a lesson a young vicar must learn....

Amid the grandeur of the remote Pacific Northwest stands Kingcome, a village so ancient that, according to Kwakiutl myth, it was founded by the two brothers left on earth after the great flood. The Native Americans who still live there call it Quee, a place of such incredible natural richness that hunting and fishing remain primary food sources. But the old culture of totems and potlatch is being replaces by a new culture of prefab housing and alcoholism. Kingcome's younger generation is disenchanted and alienated from its heritage. And now, coming upriver is a young vicar, Mark Brian, on a journey of discovery that can teach him -- and us -- about life, death, and the transforming power of love.

Prix: 1.- CHF
Numéro de référence:823800
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