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Accueil Rubriques Cinéma - DVD DVD DVD Safe house (anglais) ()

DVD Safe house (anglais) ()

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DVD Safe house (anglais) (*)

In Cape Town, South Africa, junior CIA officer Matt Weston is serving as a « housekeeper », an operative in charge of securing and maintaining a local CIA safe house in case of an operation. He calls his mentor and immediate superior, David Barlow, and inquires about a station in Paris, where he hopes to follow his live-in girlfriend Ana, a young French physician about to start her residency. Barlow tells him he is likely underqualified for the position, which frustrates Matt as he has not had a « houseguest » during his year long tenure, and thus has been unable to gain field experience. Barlow promises to revisit the issue in a few months.

Elsewhere in Cape Town, ex-CIA NOC operative turned international criminal Tobin Frost acquires a data storage device from rogue MI6 officer Alec Wade. A team of mercenaries attacks them and kills Wade. Frost flees and, out of options, surrenders to the American consulate.

A team led by veteran Daniel Kiefer transfers Frost to Weston's safe house in order to interrogate him for intelligence before he is returned to the US. Weston watches uneasily as Kiefer's team waterboards Frost. The mercenaries, led by Vargas, attack the safe house and kill Kiefer and his team. Weston escapes with Frost.

Weston contacts Barlow at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, along with Catherine Linklater, the operative in charge of Frost's interrogation and Kiefer's superior, and CIA Deputy Director Harlan Whitford, who is overseeing the operation. Linklater orders Weston to lay low and await further instructions.

Frost begins to manipulate Weston, insisting that someone within the CIA gave away their location to the mercenaries and that Weston will be forced to take the fall if things go wrong. Weston contacts Ana, giving her a cover story that his office has been threatened and suggesting she stay with friends when it appears their apartment is under surveillance. Barlow tells Weston to go to Cape Town Stadium where he retrieves a GPS device containing the location of another safe house, but Frost creates a diversion and escapes. Weston, detained by the police, escapes and is forced to fire at them.

Weston contacts Langley to report Frost's escape. After hearing that Weston fired at the police, Linklater orders him to visit the nearest American embassy for debriefing. When Whitford tells him « we'll take it from here », Weston decides to pursue Frost himself as Frost had warned him that when he heard that phrase, that was when Weston should become concerned about his own safety. Linklater and Barlow go to South Africa themselves. En route, Linklater suggests that Weston has joined Frost, which Barlow refutes. Weston meets with Ana and admits he is in the CIA, urging her to return to Paris and to tell anyone who asks that they broke up a week ago in order to protect her.

Weston tracks Frost to a township in Langa, where Frost meets Carlos Villar, an old friend and document forger, who provides him with travel documents but suggests that he leave his life of crime behind. Vargas' team attacks again, killing Carlos and his family, but Weston helps Frost escape. Weston brutally interrogates one of Vargas' wounded mercenaries, who reveals that Vargas is working for the CIA, which is seeking to retrieve the storage device from Frost. As they bandage their wounds, Frost urges Weston not to kill innocent people, telling the story of how he was forced to kill an air traffic controller while on a mission. He later learned that he was simply part of a plot to assassinate a whistle-blower who would expose wetwork committed by the CIA.

Prix à l'emporter: 3frs

Prix à l'expédier: 5frs

Prix: 3.- CHF
Numéro de référence:6261361
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