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Accueil Rubriques Art - Antiquités Tableaux Tableau du célèbre peintre J. Ripoll

Tableau du célèbre peintre J. Ripoll

Photo 1
Ripoll was born in Barcelona, Spain on February 5, 1935. At 16 years of age she began taking drawing classes at the Llotja School of Arts and Crafts (Escuela de Artes y Oficios). Subsequently she attend the Superior School of Fine Arts (La Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes), where she studied al fresco techniques and figure drawing. Ripoll completed her artistic development with courses in perspective drawing and costume design at the Theatre Institute of Barcelona (El Instituto del Teatro de Barcelona). She also dedicated several years to creating costume and fashion designs for fashion magazines. Ripoll finally decided to devote herself to oil painting, primarily with flowers and still lifes as her subject matter.

Prix: 1'250.- CHF
Numéro de référence:3910120
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Membre depuis:17.09.2010
Ville:1950 Sion (VS)
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