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Accueil Rubriques Livres - BD - Revues Autres Buddhism: The Awakening of Compassion and Wisdom

Buddhism: The Awakening of Compassion and Wisdom

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Excellent livre en anglais sur le bouddhisme, écrit par Maître Vénérable Chin Kung.
Cédé pour seulement 5 CHF ! Etat neuf !

Auteur: Venerable Master Chin Kung
211 pages
Langue: anglais
Editions: Silent Voices

This is an excellent book on Mahayana Buddhism, with a focus on the Pure Land school. After explaining that Buddhism is an education, it discusses the goal of practice as well as the symbolism of Buddhist images and offerings. Covered in depth are the Five Guidelines of the Three Conditions, Six Harmonies, Threefold Learning, Six Paramitas, and Ten Great Vows.

Prix: 5.- CHF
Numéro de référence:2254824
Informations sur l'annonceur
Membre depuis:17.01.2010
Ville:1700 Fribourg (FR)
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